Spring Clean Your Diet and Medicine Cabinet
There’s nothing quite like spring cleaning, is there? No matter whether you consider yourself tidy or cluttered, there’s a certain joy that can be attained from dusting airflow returns, wiping down window sills, vacuuming behind couches, and polishing windows. In the midst of organizing your linen closet, take some time to spring clean your pantry and medicine cabinet. Having a clean house can promote good health, but it comes secondary to having optimum digestive health.
New Year’s resolutions may seem like ages ago, but spring cleaning can be a good time to renew those commitments of healthy eating and exercise. The fiber-rich oatmeal and nutrition-packed salads of January somehow give way to Egg McMuffins and frozen pizzas, which often leads to weight gain and heartburn. If you are like millions of other Americans, you probably keep a bottle of acid-reducing proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) in your medicine cabinet for those frequent bouts of heartburn and reflux. However, PPIs may be posing a significant danger to your overall health.